Friday, May 17, 2013

Grandpa Rich's "Kick Butt Salsa"

I did not make up the name.  My father-in-law did.  So, if you have a problem with it...take it up with him!  LOL!  That being said, it is pretty kick butt.  If you don't like things so super spicy, you could eliminate or reduce the number of jalapenos you use.  Either way, I think you will find that this salsa has a really great flavor!

Unfortunately, this batch was totally devoured before I was able to take some nice pictures.  We will just have to make do with the not-so-great ones I took with my phone.

So, without further ado, here is the recipe.  I'm copying it, word for word, from the email Rich sent me many years ago.  I don't think he will mind.  :)

"Rich's Kick Butt Salsa

4 stalks celery, chopped
One carrot, chopped
3 medium tomatoes, diced (or one 28 oz can diced)
Juice of 2 limes
1 large onion, chopped
1 bunch of green onions, chopped
1/2 cup of corn
6 Anaheim peppers
4 jalapeno peppers
2 small Habanero chiles (optional as they are very hot)
1/3 cup brown sugar to taste
5 tablespoons soy sauce
1 bunch cilantro, chopped

1.  Chop celery, carrot, onion, Anaheim peppers, jalapeno peppers, and habanero peppers in handy dandy chopper.*  Remember that the habaneros are very hot and should not be touched with bare hands.
2.  In large bowl put chopped items, diced tomatoes, chopped green onions, juice of limes, corn, and add brown sugar and soy sauce to taste.  The brown sugar and soy sauce are the secrets of this recipe so don't be afraid to use them.
3.  Last but not least is the chopped cilantro.  Use the whole bunch.
4.  Mix all together and let set in refrigerator for a couple of hours until chilled.

Is best used the same day and won't keep long, but doesn't usually last long anyway. **

This is an old recipe I weaseled from a Vietnamese man on my design crew.  He liked salsa hot and it is.  He has since died but not from eating this stuff.  He used to drink Dave's Insanity Sauce by the spoonful.  I couldn't take a dab on the end of a toothpick." ***

*Rich gave me a cool Tupperware chopper for Christmas one year, long ago.  It has since died.
** He is really right about this.  It gets eaten very quickly!
*** LOL


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, this sounds really interesting and delicious! And I am not a fan of spicy unfortunately, but yes, if I can make it without the spice, I will do that! ;) YUM YUM!! Can't wait to try it!

Renate said...

It is really delicious! It's always a huge hit. You can definitely cut back on the heat by eliminating the jalapenos. Let me know if you try it!