Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just Bakin'.....

Have you heard the song by Trace Adkins, "Just Fishin' "?  It's basically about a dad, fishing with his little girl, and about all the things they talk about, the joy he gets from being with her, the lessons they are learning, and how he is cherishing the time spent with her that he knows will go by all too fast.  But "she thinks we're just fishin'."

I have this little kitchen helper.  Her name is Madelyn Grace and she is 5 years old.  She has loved to help me (or her dad) in the kitchen ever since she was big enough to pull the stool up to the counter and climb onto  it.  It doesn't matter what you are doing, she needs to be involved.

I will confess, I don't always welcome her help.  It is sometimes more of a hinderance than an actual help.  But I try to remind myself that these are the moments we will both look back on fondly when she is older.  I try to encourage her and teach her.  And taste all the left over ingredients that she has scraped off the counter and out of mixing bowls into her own mixing bowl..."taste this, mom, it's delish!"...pretending to make her own cake, cupcakes, or whatever.

I know this isn't a recipe, or something yummy I've baked up.  But it was on my mind this morning and I wanted to share.  Maybe someday Maddy will have a little kitchen helper of her own, and she will remember the days that we spent in the kitchen.  But right now, she thinks we're just bakin'.


erin said...

Sweet! Keep baking with may need to hire her someday!

Laura said...

Precious. I remember making apple pies in little pans along with my mom. I still have those two little cast aluminum pans. Priceless memories.